Unique, harmlessly eccentric, nerdy, witty, and I would like to think fashionable... well at least when I want to be. I have two sides to me, the quirky and somewhat dark while the other side is obsessed with rainbows and Disney. I am the proud mamma of a beautiful yellow lab Vinny. I live with my two siblings and parents. I have moved 5 times in my years only 4 that I remember. I love pizza and soda. My idea for a perfect date would be a night in playing video games and eating pizza.
Okay I'm not writing this for a dating site lets get on with it.
I love animals but I love to eat meat even more. I'm fascinated by the paranormal but don't worry you wouldn't guess it by the way I look and act. I'm normal. For the most part.
Don't be deceived by my seemingly happy and perfect life. I am not perfect by far. I come with my own baggage and problems. I've experienced loss, disappointment, pain, frustration, and much much more.
Believe me, I'm not perfect, I can relate, so I hope you can sit back and enjoy my blogs. Thank you!!